Child Attachment Play Assessment Training is a doll play procedure designed to assess children aged 3 – 11 years in terms of attachment strategies, developmental trauma, mentalising and depression. It has been developed for use with children from very troubled backgrounds and assists practitioners in formulating intervention plans most likely to succeed. The first 4 days cover the normative insecure patterns of attachment followed by a break with the second 4 days of training covering the clinical examples of attachment, trauma and depression

The CAPA was developed by Dr Steve Farnfield; founder and convenor of the Attachment Studies programmes at the University of Roehampton U.K. Dr. Farnfield is co-editor of the 3 volume Routledge Handbooks of Attachment. He is also a licensed trainer for a wide range of DMM assessment procedures.  Please note the Date Change from that in the Flyer, Course dates are now the 8th-11th September and 24th-27th November,  for  further details, cost and to book, Click on the Link Below

The Child Attachment and Play Assessment